The XXVI National Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students and Young Researchers, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev, was jointly organized by the Ministry of Science and Education, the Institute of Education and Baku State University.
First, a minute of silence was held to honor the blessed memory of the heroic sons of the Motherland who died for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
The conference began its work after the performance of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
General Director of the Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, corresponding member of ANAS Panah Muradov and head of the “Natural Sciences” section of the event, head of the Laboratory of Microbiological Biotechnology of the Institute of Microbiology, Doctor of Biological Sciences, prof. Konul Bakhshalieva and young researchers of the institute participated in the opening ceremony of the conference.
After the opening, the conference continued its work with presentations by young researchers at section meetings.
Full-time doctoral student at the Institute of Microbiology, young researcher Agil Ahmadli delivered a report at the conference on the topic “Possibilities of using lipolytic enzymes obtained from micromycetes in the production of biodiesel.” The report was devoted to the production of biodiesel, which is considered an environmentally friendly fuel, an alternative to diesel fuel, which is extremely important in our time. Thus, it was noted that scientific work is aimed at determining the advantages of using biologically pure lipolytic enzymes of micromycete origin instead of chemical catalysts used as transesterifiers in this process.
Note that the main goal of the conference is to organize a discussion of the results of scientific research conducted by doctoral students and young researchers, as well as to stimulate their scientific creativity.