On the initiative of Vusala Khalilzadeh, the head of the Department of Education, Information and Relations at the Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, PhD in Biology, an event was held on February 2 - Azerbaijan Youth Day.
The event brought together the Institute's management, members of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists and young researchers. 
Panah Muradov, corresponding member of ANAS, opened the event and congratulated the young employees on the occasion of the remarkable day and emphasized that the foundation of the youth policy in Azerbaijan was laid by the national leader Heydar Aliyev. The scientist talked about the role of young people in the glorious Victory gained under the leadership of the Supreme Commander of the Azerbaijan Army, President Ilham Aliyev, the successful youth policy conducted in our country, as well as the active participation of young people in grant projects and scientific events. He appreciated their work and emphasized that Agil Ahmadli, a full-time doctoral student of our institute, was the winner of the 7th grant competition of Young Scientists and Researchers organized by the Science Foundation. The scientist expressed hope that such young people will contribute to the future development of Azerbaijani science.
Then, Panah Muradov presented an Honorary Decree to 3 active young people Agil Ahmadli, Ayten Bayramova and Farida Aliyeva for their effective activity in the social and scientific life of the institute. The youth were also awarded with cash prizes.