Scientific article by a junior researcher at the Laboratory of Microbiological Biotechnology of the Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Science and Education, winner of the “7th grant competition for young scientists and researchers” announced by the Azerbaijan Science Foundation, head of the project “Development of a scientific and methodological basis for the use of mushrooms with high lipolytic activity isolated from oil-contaminated soils during wastewater treatment”, financed by the foundation and currently successfully ongoing, Agil Ahmedli, was published in a journal included in the Scopus database.
The journal in which the scientific article “Biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons by fungi strains of Aspergillus sp.-17, Rhizopus sp.-81, Penicillium sp.-94 isolated from oil-contaminated soils of Azerbaijan” was published. -17, Rhizopus sp.-81, Penicillium sp.-94 isolated from oil-contaminated soils of Azerbaijan”), called “In BIO Web Conferences (Vol.100p.02007) EDP Sciences”.
In this scientific article, the purpose of which is to determine the possibilities of using micromycetes in bioremediation, the determination of the tolerance of fungal strains Aspergillus sp.-17, Rhizopus sp.-81, Penicillium sp.-94, which have high lipolytic activity, to various concentrations of oil and their determination ability to biodegrade oil.
Based on the results obtained, it was established that the use of all three strains in wastewater treatment and bioremediation of oil-contaminated soils gives good results.
The article mentions for the first time the scientific results obtained using lipolytic enzymes of fungal origin using local bioresources during the biological purification of oil-contaminated soils and inland water bodies of Baku and the Absheron Peninsula, as well as the Caspian Sea, which has a unique bioresource potential.