On May 21-22, under the joint organization of the Azerbaijan Food Security Agency (AFSA) and the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, the Plant Health Forum “Towards a Green World” was held.
The head of the Laboratory of Microbiological Biotechnology of the Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Konul Bakhshaliyeva, took part as an invitee at the event. The two-day Plant Health Forum "Towards a Green World" aims to protect plants and plant products from pests, promote plant health through existing pest control measures, increase the production and safe trade of plants and plant products, and promote global food security and biodiversity , providing a collaboration platform for national plant conservation agencies, regional and international organizations, government agencies, universities and protection reference laboratories.
Representatives of a number of government agencies, experts from foreign countries and international organizations took part in the forum.