Employees of the Soil Microbiology Laboratory of the Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Science and Education of the AR - Dr. Biology Nariman Ismayilov, Ph.D., Assoc. Samira Najafova and PhD in Biology Aygun Gasimova participated in the international scientific-practical conference "Management of regional strategies and projects of ecological, economic and social development of territories" organized by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in Moscow.

A. Gasimova delivered a speech at the event entitled "Systematic analysis of regional bioresources for the development of resource-saving, waste-free biotechnological projects for solving environmental problems on the Absheron Peninsula".

In the report, the participants of the conference were informed about increasing the biological activity of the soil and water bodies exposed to man-made influence (polluted by oil, oil products and heavy metals) on the Absheron Peninsula, and the prospects of restoration methods using biological resources in the region.

The report aroused the interest of the conference participants, and the questions were discovered.