The scientific-practical conference on the topic “Impairments in the functioning of ecosystems due to global climate change and ways to eliminate them”, jointly organized by the Institute of Zoology of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Representative Office of the World Conservation Fund, continued its work with sectional sessions at the Institute of Zoology.

It should be noted that the section “The Impact of Changes in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems on Biological Diversity” was moderated by the head of the Microbiological Biotechnology Laboratory of the Institute of Microbiology, Professor Konul Bakhshalieva, and the head of the Terrestrial Vertebrates laboratory of the Institute of Zoology, Ph.D. in Biology, Associate Professor Tavakkul Iskandarov.

Numerous reports were heard at the section meetings, and interesting discussions were held around the presentations. Participants were awarded certificates and diplomas.