An event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of active member of ANAS Maharram Mammadyarov was held at the Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Science and Education.

Opening the event, the student of the outstanding scientist, Director General of the Institute of Microbiology, Corresponding Member of ANAS Panah Muradov spoke about the life and scientific work of the scientist. He noted the invaluable merit of this outstanding scientist in the development of not only the Institute of Microbiology, but also domestic applied microbiological science as a whole. Thus, Academician headed the Institute of Microbiology from 1981 to 2002. As a result of his tireless work until 1994, the institution, which operated as the Microbiology Sector of ANAS, received the status of an institute.

Meanwhile, Panah Muradov emphasized the special role of the scientist in conducting microbiological research in new and modern directions during the period when he headed the institute, and in achieving the development of directions arising from the integration of microbiology with other sciences. He noted that under the leadership of the scientist, many important results were achieved in the field of oil microbiology and biotechnology, the purchase of surfactants of microbial origin, and bioconversion of plant waste. Under the leadership and initiative of M. Mammadyarov, for the first time in the field of oil microbiology, modeling of microbiological processes in oil reservoirs was carried out, which led to the search for new ways to increase oil production.

Then, at the event, the employees who worked at the institute during his time shared their memories of Maharram Mammadyarov. In the reports, it was noted that Academician M. Mammadyarov made a great contribution to the staff training in the field of microbiology in Azerbaijan. Thus, he supervised for one doctor of science and 5 doctors of philosophy in the field of microbiology.

After the event, the management and staff of the Institute of Microbiology visited the grave of Academician Maharram Mammadyarov on the II Alley of Honor and laid flowers at his grave.