A commemorative event was held in connection with the 35th anniversary of the January 20 tragedy at the Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Science and Education.

The event commenced with a minute's silence in memory of our martyrs who died for the independence of our country.

Panah Muradov, Director General of the institute, corresponding member of ANAS, spoke at the event and spoke about the social and political processes that led to the events of January 20, the Soviet empire's war crimes in Baku and other regions of our country in order to suppress the true voice of the Azerbaijani people, and the turning point of this tragedy on the way to the independence of our country. gave detailed information about it. It was emphasized that the souls of the martyrs of January 20 are happy with the complete restoration of Azerbaijan's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The commemorative event ended with the showing of a video about the January 20 tragedy.

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