International conference “The Impact of Global Climate Change on the Ecological Environment” jointly organized by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Dendrology, Institute of Microbiology, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, North Kazakhstan State University named after Manash Kozybayev, Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan after the opening continued its work at sectional meetings.

The section meetings were moderated by the Director General of the Institute of Microbiology, Corresponding Member of ANAS Panah Muradov, the Head of the Laboratory of Biologically Active Substances, Professor Elman Iskander, and the Head of the Laboratory of Microbiological Biotechnology, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Konul Bakhshalieva. At the meetings, lectures were listened and discussions were held.

8 lectures were listened from employees of the Institute of Microbiology:

1. Corresponding Member of ANAS Panah Muradov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Konul Bakhshaliyeva on topic “Production of environmentally friendly products and upcoming challenges”, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Samira Najafova, PhD in Biology Konul Bayram on topic “The influence of anthropogenic factors on populations microorganisms in gray-brown soils"
2. PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Irada Babaeva, PhD in Biology Lala Aliyeva, PhD in Biology Vusala Isaeva, a researcher Asmar Mamedova on topic “The influence of nematodes on the predatory ability of fungi of the genus Arthrobotrys”
3. Corresponding Member of ANAS Panah Muradov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Konul Bakhshaliyeva, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Gunel Gasimova, a junior researcher Ulviya Efendi on topic “General characteristics of pathogenic and epiphytic mycobipotasis of fruit and berry plants”
4. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Elman Iskander, Researcher Gulnar Masimzade on topic “Disease Pathogens Found on Some Pome Fruits”
PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Gunel Gasimova

5. PhD in Biology Ilham Aliyev, PhD in Biology Irada Ahmadova on topic "Structural organization and phytopathogenic composition of mycobiota formed on the alfalfa plant",

6. PhD in Biology Ilham Aliyev, PhD in Biology Shahla Babayeva, a junior researcher Farida Aliyeva on topic “Fungal diseases of cultivated forage plants and their prevalence”

7. PhD in Biology Sabina Jafarzadeh on “Assessing the implications of Environmental change on Human Health Worldwide”

At the end, the participants who made presentations were awarded certificates.