In the summer session of 2024, the qualification examination of doctoral students and dissertators was carried out at the Institute of Microbiology of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Exam was presided by General Director of the Institute, Corresponding Member of ANAS Panah Muradov majoring in 2430.01 -  "Mycology", and Head of the "Microbiological Biotechnology" Laboratory, prof. Konul Bakhshaliyeva majoring in 2414.01 - Microbiology. 

The exam was held with participation of examination commission members - Professors Nariman Ismayilov, Elman Isgandar, Associate Professors Samira Najafova, Irada Babayeva, PhDs in Biology Ilham Aliyev, Vafa Hasanova and the head of the "Education, Information and Relations Department" PhD in Biology Vusala Khalilzadeh. 

Ann individual has taken the exam in "Microbiology" and two ones  in "Mycology". The claimants first explained the questions of the exam tickets in writing and then orally and answered the questions of the commission members. The answers were evaluated by the commission members with appropriate points and the exam was successfully completed